Vocational Education and Training (VET) at Gordonvale State High School offers students the opportunity to get a head start in their chosen field. VET is learning which is directly related to work. Our school is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) which allows us to deliver certificate courses. As a school we work closely with current Industry and External Providers to collaboratively offer a variety of certificate courses. These courses offer a mix of practical based learning and theory that can be delivered at school or off site at various locations around the region. With VET courses students can participate in Certificate I or Certificate II courses under VET in schools funding (VETis). School Based Apprenticeships (SBA) and School Based Traineeships (SBT) can be arranged through the schools Pathways Officer who is located in the Senior Secondary office (B13).
Subjects and Courses Offered
Certificate Courses Offered through External Providers*
VET Certificate Structure
*Courses offered are subject to student interests and other requirements of the external provider. Courses offered through external providers can change year to year.
**Students cannot enrol in Certificate II Sport & Recreation as well as Certificate III Fitness/Sport & Recreation.